- activism, civil rights, protests, and social movements
- analogy
- automation
- bacteriology
- basic vs. applied research
- bioethics and medical ethics
- Black Death, bubonic plague, Yersinia pestis
- bushmeat
- chemistry, chemists
- classification, nomenclature, taxonomy
- Congo War, First and Second (1996–ca. 2003)
- counterfactual history
- credit, priority
- demographic cohort
- dermatology
- development, developmental biology
- discovery and naming of HIV/HTLV-III/LAV/ARV
- early names for AIDS — gay cancer, gay pneumonia, GRID, 4H, KSOI, slim disease, etc.
- early theories of AIDS etiology
- education and early career
- epidemiology
- epistemic object becomes the technical object
- evolutionary developmental biology (evo-devo)
- fear
- funding and grants
- gay men, gay community
- global research
- graduate training and early career in science
- hematology
- HIV/AIDS denialism
- HIV/AIDS in women
- HIV/AIDS stigma
- Human Genome Project (HGP, 1990–2003)
- hypothesis
- iconoclasm in science
- immunology
- infectious disease (medical specialty)
- influenza pandemic of 1918–1920 (Spanish flu)
- internal medicine
- internet
- Iron Curtain
- Jurassic Park (1993)
- Kent State massacre, May 4, 1970
- lab vs. clinic
- Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 (July 24, 2014)
- medical school, residency, and fellowship
- memory
- mentoring
- military service and "Yellow Berets"
- models (model systems, model organisms, modeling)
- MSM (men who have sex with men)
- Nanban trade (viagem do Japão)
- objectivity
- oncology
- Operation INFEKTION (Jakob Segal, Operation DENVER)
- patents and intellectual property (IP)
- pathology (medical discipline)
- pediatrics, pediatric AIDS
- peer review
- pets
- political correctness
- politics of scientific journal publishing
- poverty
- Prague Spring, 1968
- primatology
- public health
- reproducibility; experimental reproduction
- scale, scaling
- science journalism
- scientific competition and collaboration
- scientific controversy and consensus
- scientific revolution
- Scramble for Africa (1884–1914)
- September 11 attacks (9/11), 2001
- sex workers
- simultaneous discovery (multiple discovery)
- slavery
- Special Virus Cancer Program (SVCP), 1964–1978
- specimen exchange
- Sterling Hall bombing, August 24, 1970
- stock options
- Stonewall riots, 1969
- Storm the NIH, May 20, 1990
- styles of scientific thought
- transgender
- translational research
- Typhoid Mary (Mary Mallon, 1869–1938)
- veterinary medicine
- Vietnam War
- virology
- War on Cancer, 1971–
- women in science