Note: Geographical places are listed in separate hierarchies from institutions. For example Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory is indexed independently, rather than under "New York." Places in the United States are indexed independently, instead of under "United States." Some terms are indexed by their commonly used acronyms, for example PEPFAR instead of "President's Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief."
- 10th International Cancer Congress, Houston, October 1970
- 10th International Virology Congress, Jerusalem, August 1996
- 11th International AIDS Conference, Vancouver, Canada, July 1996
- 12th International AIDS Conference, Geneva, 1998
- 13th International AIDS Conference, Durban, 2000
- 18th International AIDS Conference, Vienna, 2010
- 19th International AIDS Conference, Washington, DC, 2012
- 2nd International AIDS Conference, Paris, 1986
- 5th International AIDS Conference, Montreal, June 1989
- 9th International Conference on AIDS, Berlin, 1993
- Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center
- Abbott Laboratories
- ACT UP (AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power)
- Affordable Care Act (ACA, Obamacare)
- Afghanistan
- Africa, sub-Saharan Africa
- Africa Centre for Health and Population Studies
- Agouron Pharmaceuticals
- AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG)
- AIDS Quilt, NAMES Project
- AIDS service organizations (ASOs)
- American Cancer Society
- amfAR
- Amgen (Applied Molecular Genetics)
- Annals of Internal Medicine (journal)
- ANRS (Agence nationale de recherches sur le sida et les hépatites virales)
- Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (journal)
- Atlanta
- Australia
- Baltimore
- Bath University
- Baylor College of Medicine
- Bethesda, Maryland
- Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC)
- Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
- Biochemical Pharmacology (journal)
- BioChem Pharma
- Bioko, Equatorial Guinea
- Biomedical Primate Research Centre (BPRC)
- Boehringer Ingelheim
- Botswana Combination Prevention Project (BCPP)
- Botswana Harvard AIDS Institute Partnership (BHP)
- Botswana-Harvard HIV Reference Laboratory, Gaborone
- Brazil
- Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Bronx Zoo
- Burroughs-Wellcome & Company, Glaxo Inc., GlaxoSmithKline
- California National Primate Research Center
- Caltech (California Institute of Technology)
- Canada
- CAPRISA (Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa)
- Caribbean and West Indies
- CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, US)
- Cell (journal)
- Centre international de recherches médicales de Franceville (CIRMF), Gabon
- Chester Beatty Laboratories, Royal Marsden Hospital, London
- Chicago Tribune
- Children's Hospital Oakland
- Chimp Haven
- China
- Chiron (1981–2006)
- churches
- Clinton Foundation
- Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL)
- Columbia University
- Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI)
- Congress, US
- Doris Duke Medical Research Institute
- Duke University, Duke University School of Medicine
- Emory University, Emory University School of Medicine
- Europe, European Union
- Family Health International (FHI, FHI 360)
- FDA (US Food and Drug Administration)
- Females Rising through Education, Support, and Health (FRESH)
- Fem-PrEP study (2009–2011)
- Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research (FNLCR, NCI-Frederick)
- Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
- Fresh Air (radio talk show)
- Gay Men's Health Crisis (GMHC)
- Genes & Development (journal)
- Gilead
- Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
- Grady Memorial Hospital
- Haiti
- Harvard University, Harvard Medical School
- HIV Prevention Trials Network (HPTN)
- HIV Vaccine Trials Network (HVTN)
- Housing Works
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)
- IAVI (International AIDS Vaccine Initiative)
- Iceland
- Idenix Pharmaceuticals
- Imperial Cancer Research Fund (ICRF)
- Imperial College London
- India
- Indonesia
- Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)
- Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp
- intensive care unit (ICU)
- International AIDS Society (IAS)
- International Partnership for Microbicides
- Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC)
- Intrexon Corporation
- IPERGAY Trial (2012–2015)
- iPrEx (Iniciativa Profilaxis Pre-Exposición) study, 2007–2011
- Iran
- Israel
- Jackson Laboratory
- Janssen Pharmaceuticals
- Japan
- Japan Tobacco (JT)
- Johns Hopkins University, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
- Johnson & Johnson
- Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS)
- Karolinska Institute
- Katholieke Universiteit te Leuven
- Kibale National Park, Uganda
- Korea
- Kwazulu-Natal Research Institute for Tuberculosis and HIV (2012–2016)
- Lancet (journal)
- Lebanon
- London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
- Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Los Angeles
- Louisiana State University
- Malawi
- Malaysia
- Martin Delaney Collaboratory
- Massachusetts General Hospital
- Medicaid
- Medical Research Council (MRC)
- Melbourne; University of Melbourne; Royal Melbourne Hospital
- Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
- Merck & Co., Inc. (Merck Sharp & Dohme)
- Mexico
- Miami
- Military HIV Research Program (MHRP)
- Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- Minneapolis–St. Paul, Minnesota
- Minnesota
- MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Mount Sinai Hospital, New York
- Mount Vernon, Washington
- Mulago National Specialised Hospital (Mulago Hospital)
- Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study (MACS, 1984–2019)
- National Institutes of Health (NIH)
- National Science Foundation (NSF)
- Nature (journal)
- New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)
- Newsweek
- New York
- New York Hospital–Cornell Medical Center
- New York Native (newspaper, 1980–1997)
- New York Times
- North America
- NYU (New York University)
- Oregon State University (OSU)
- Oxford University
- Paradis Latin
- Pasteur Institute (Institut Pasteur)
- Pasteur-Sanofi Diagnostics
- Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trials Group (PACTG)
- PEPFAR (President's Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief)
- Peru
- Pfizer
- pharmaceutical industry
- Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
- PLOS (journals)
- PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)
- PRESICA project (Prevention of AIDS in Cameroon)
- Project Inform
- Project SIDA
- PROUD study (2012–2015)
- Puerto Rico
- Ragon Institute
- Rakai Health Sciences Program (RHSP)
- Repligen
- Research Triangle Park (RTP), North Carolina
- Roche
- Rockefeller University
- Royal Society
- Russia, Soviet Union
- RV 144 (2003–2009)
- Salk Institute for Biological Studies
- San Diego Veterans Administration Medical Center
- San Francisco
- San Francisco General Hospital (SFGH)
- San Francisco Veterans Affairs Medical Center (SFVAMC)
- Science (journal)
- Scripps Research Institute (TSRI)
- Seattle
- Seattle Biomedical Research Institute (SBRI)
- Shell Chemical Company
- Sigma-Aldrich
- SMART (Strategies for Management of Anti-Retroviral Therapy) study, 2002–2006
- South America
- St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital, New York
- St. Olaf College
- Stanford University, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford University Medical Center
- START (Strategic Timing of Antiretroviral Treatment) study, 2011–2016
- STEP study (2004–2011)
- Stony Brook University, Renaissance School of Medicine
- Swarthmore College
- Switzerland
- Taiwan
- TEMPRANO study (2008–2015)
- Thailand
- Time (magazine)
- Treatment Action Campaign (TAC)
- Treatment Action Group (TAG)
- Triangle Pharmaceuticals
- Tsinghua University
- Tufts University
- UC Berkeley (University of California, Berkeley)
- UC Davis, UC Davis School of Medicine
- UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles), UCLA School of Medicine, UCLA Medical Center
- UC San Diego
- UCSF (University of California San Francisco)
- United Biomedical, Inc.
- United States
- University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB)
- University of Cambridge
- University of Chicago
- University of Colorado Boulder
- University of Hong Kong
- University of Kansas
- University of KwaZulu-Natal, Nelson Mandela Medical School
- University of Maryland (UMD)
- University of Miami
- University of Michigan, University of Michigan Medical School
- University of Pennsylvania (Penn) and Perelman School of Medicine
- University of Sheffield
- University of Virginia
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
- US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
- VaxGen (1995–2016)
- VOICE study (2009–2011)
- Walter Reed Army Medical Center (1909–2011)
- Washington, D.C.
- Washington Post
- Washington University in St. Louis
- Wellcome Trust
- Whaling Museum, Cold Spring Harbor
- Whitehead Institute
- Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology
- World AIDS Day (December 1)
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- Wyeth (1860–2009)
- Yale University, Yale School of Medicine
- zoos